Executive Protection
Global Security Group, Inc highly qualified personnel, drawn from backgrounds in federal and local law enforcement, are all trained as Protection Specialists. No matter what needs a particular client may have, Global can tailor an approach to fit those needs. Global has male and female agents with the skill sets, appearance and demeanor appropriate to any assignment. Our specialists are true professionals and zealously guard the privacy of their charges. All sign strict non-disclosure agreements prior to assignment.
All of our agents have been trained as medical first responders at minimum. In the event the client or an immediate family member has a specific health concern we can assign an EMT or Paramedic to the detail and work closely with the family physician to monitor any issues or concerns.
For our celebrity clients, we provide agents familiar with the culture of the entertainment community. For clients whose cultural and religious beliefs require special staffing, GSG can post male or female operatives as needed. Special attention is always given to children, and GSG carefully selects protective personnel with a proven ability of interacting well with kids. Agents charged with protecting children are also provided with additional training to quickly respond to pediatric medical emergencies. In addition, our protective personnel will evaluate the security in the schools attended by the client’s children as part of the protective assignment.
Our approach strongly depends on proper logistical planning, use of a properly prepared risk/threat analysis as well as constant review of relevant intelligence information. Our agents receive tactical and weapons training form our chief training officer, formerly a senior instructor at the DEA/FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. They are all well-trained in unarmed combat and defensive tactics and have years of experience and training in all levels of law enforcement. They are well-versed in handling crowds, making arrests, performing liaison functions with the police and taking appropriate actions to avoid confrontation.
GSG maintains excellent contacts with law enforcement and intelligence agencies both at home and abroad and can provide for your protective needs in almost every part of the world.
To learn more about our executive protection services please call (212) 285-2400 for assistance.