In today’s entertainment world, a vast majority of TV shows and films ensure location shooting in addition to filming within a studio. Vital to know is that when choosing to film on location, outside the comfort of a studio setting, is that you make the security of your cast, crew, and production one of, if not the top, priority. You will also need to take steps to ensure that the equipment used in your production is safe from any criminals that have it in their mind to make an easy score and steal what they can. Simply put, time can be money filming, and any interruptions, whether it be with the cast or crew, or even the theft of a vital piece of equipment, can wreak havoc on a production.
Nothing draws a crowd of on-lookers like a public film set. Who doesn’t want to be the one to get a glimpse of a movie star? Fans will do anything they have to get that glimpse. Because of the pandemonium that can occur, it is in your production company’s best interest to have professional security on the film set.
How Vital Is Security?
When a film shoot is in public purvey, a gathering crowd can lead to chaos in little to no time if the situation arises. Without the proper barriers and security in place, frenzied fans and unruly criminals can quickly upset the film process. The film’s actors may also be affected as the situation could cause them to feel significantly uncomfortable.
To prevent these types of situations from occurring and even spinning out of control, hiring professional security on the film to control any crowd present is vitally necessary. Unruly fans are not the only problems that can occur, as robbers will assuredly try to take advantage of an on-location film set and steal costly equipment utilized in shooting the film.
Crowd Control
As already mentioned, the area around a film set will be full of various individuals, many of which are fans. Security personnel on-site will be tasked with ensuring that every aspect of the production goes smoothly, keeping the adoring fans in the crown in line, and controlling any unauthorized set access. Security is trained for what it takes to maintain and manage a large crowd of individuals.
Celebrity Protection
Security personnel will be on-site for crowd control as well as securing those individuals and actors involved in the production. Celebrities will need to be protected from those adoring fans whose only thought and mission is to reach out and touch their favorite star. Unfortunately, some of those fans are not mentally stable and may cause bodily harm to the production celebrities.
Having security onset will give you the much needed peace of mind that your cast and crew will make it to and from the production safely and efficiently. A respectable security service will ensure the protection and safety of your staff no matter what need or situation may arise.
Asset Protection
As it is true that most security needs revolve around the cast of a production, protecting the assets of the production is vital as well – as it may involve millions of dollars worth of equipment. The filming equipment used in most productions today can run into a lot of money and prove to be a small fortune. For this reason, film sets are known to be the favorite target of many criminals. They know that the equipment on a production is expensive, with tremendous value, and if not appropriately protected, is there for the taking.
Traffic Control
All of the above benefits are included when hiring as a professional security service, along with the advantage of traffic control. When it is discovered that a production is being conducted in a public location, it will not be long before the situation of a crowd and on-lookers can take a chaotic turn. Security personnel will be trained to implement the traffic control and management needed. Vehicle traffic will be efficiently diverted, and any crowd or foot traffic will be diverted to minimize disruptions to the cast, crew, or production overall. The security personnel will also be on hand to provide escort to and from the hotel for the cast and crew as needed.