Fire & Life Safety
Fire Safety Training
Global Security Group is approved by the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY) to teach a number of fire and life safety classes ,including all of the mandatory training programs required to become a licensed Fire & Life Safety Director (FLSD). Learn more about our fire safety courses.

Fire Safety Plans
We will prepare the combined Fire Safety Plan for your hotel or motel, commercial high-rise office building, or residential building and we’ll ensure your plan is approved by the FDNY. Learn more about fire safety plans.
Fire Safety Drills
Our fire safety consultants will conduct all required fire and non-fire emergency drills and conduct all training for building staff and occupants as required by local law. Training will be conducted on-site and our consultants are all senior active or retired FDNY officers. Learn more about conducting fire drills and training with Global Security Group.
Global Security Group’s Division of Fire & Life Safety is widely regarded as having set the “Gold Standard” in the industry. Managed by retired senior officers of the Fire Department of the City of New York, this division has acquired the well-deserved reputation as the most competent and professional of all the firms serving the fire / life safety needs of commercial and residential buildings, hotels and manufacturing centers.
Our specialists have created comprehensive fire safety and emergency action plans for some of the world’s most prestigious properties and sensitive facilities. In New York City our specialists are experts in providing fire safety and emergency action plans compliant with Local Laws 5 and 26 at competitive prices. GSG consultants are highly experienced professionals capable of swiftly responding to and resolving most fire and life safety code compliance issues.
Our staff of fire science and emergency response experts is available to provide consulting and training services anywhere in the world. Please see our list of available training for our syllabus of fire-fighting and emergency response training programs.
Our emergency plans provide detailed response protocols for a number of emerging incidents or actual emergencies including,but not limited to:
- Active Shooter Incident
- Biological Incident or Release
- Bomb (IED)
- Bomb (Suicide)
- Bomb Threat
- Chemical Attack
- Civil Disturbance
- Dangerous/Disgruntled Individual
- Elevator Entrapment
- Environmental Disaster
- Explosion (Bomb)
- Explosion (Accidental or Mechanical)
- Fire/Smoke
- Flood
- HAZMAT Spill
- Hostage Situation
- Mechanical Failure
- Medical Emergency
- Natural Disaster
- Radiological Incident or Release
- Security Breach
- Suspicious Mail
- Suspicious Object Terrorist Assault
- Weather Related Emergencies