Log Books

Record Keeping

Fire Safety Inspection Log Book

In July 2010 the FDNY amended Section 404-01-s-1 – 404-01-s- to indicate that a Fire Safety Plan logbook is required to be maintained at an approved location.

[pdf-embedder url=”|!|vcvUploadUrl|!|/securepdfs/2019/02/repeal-of-existing-fire-department-rules.pdf” title=”Repeal of Existing Fire Department Rules”]

NYC FDNY Recordkeeping Requirements

  1. Logbook required. An FSP logbook shall be maintained at an approved location on the premises (where the building is provided with one, at the fire command center) for purposes of documenting compliance with the requirements of the Fire Code and this section relating to the fire safety and evacuation plan, including any fires or other incidents, identification of FSP staff on duty at the premises, and the conduct of fire drills and FSP staff training. The FSP logbook may be consolidated with the EAP logbook required pursuant to R404-02(m).
  2. Format. The FSP logbook shall be a bound journal with consecutively numbered pages, unless the Department has approved an alternative form of electronic recordkeeping. The front cover shall be marked: “FSP Logbook” and the address of the building.
  3. Retention. Pursuant to FC107.7, the FSP logbook shall be kept at the premises for a period of at least three (3) years, and shall be made available for inspection by any Department representative.

Recordkeeping Log Books

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